Here we present few "real life" examples of Luiza processing tasks. The steering files presented were used in the analysis of the Pi of the Sky data. Three steps of the analysis are presented.
Reconstructing flat image from dedicated frames
This simple image processing task can be divided into the following steps:
- Read flat images for each night considered
- Average flat images for each night
- Read dark images for each night
- Calculate master dark (median) for each night
- Subtract master dark from average flat for each night
- Calculate average flat (for all nights)
- Smooth resulting flat image
- Write final image to file
<processor name="FlatReader"/>
<processor name="FlatAverage"/>
<processor name="DarkReader"/>
<processor name="DarkMedian"/>
<processor name="DarkSubtraction"/>
<processor name="FlatAverage2"/>
<processor name="FlatSmooth"/>
<processor name="FlatViewer"/>
<processor name="FlatWriter"/>
<parameter name="MaxRecordNumber" value="1000"/>
<parameter name="NetworkXMLFile" value="gloria_network.xml"/>
<parameter name="SupressCheck" value="false"/>
<parameter name="Verbosity" value="MESSAGE"/>
<processor name="FlatReader" type="FitsImageReader">
<!--Processor for reading input FITS imagesReads images from given files-->
<!--Name of the image collection to which images from file should be stored-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" gloriaOutType="Image"> FlatImages </parameter>
<!--List of FITS files to be read-->
<parameter name="FitsFileList" type="StringVec"> </parameter>
<!--Number of images to be read per processing loop (0 for all))-->
<parameter name="ImagesPerLoop" type="int" value="4"/>
<!--Names of files containing FITS file lists (one per line)-->
<parameter name="ListFileList" type="StringVec" value="good_flats.list"/>
<!--Flag for collections, which should not be deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool" value="false"/>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string" value=""/-->
<processor name="FlatAverage" type="SimpleImageAdder">
<!--Processor to add images in the input collection.No corrections for possible shifts are applied.-->
<!--Flag to select adding (false) or averaging (true) of input images-->
<parameter name="AverageImages" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing images to be added-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1">FlatImages </parameter>
<!--Number of images to be added each time (0 for all images in input collection)-->
<!--parameter name="NumberAddImages" type="int">0 </parameter-->
<!--Name of the collection where image sums will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="1">FlatAverage </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Wait for images in next loops, if not enough images in input collection-->
<!--parameter name="UseManyLoops" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE </parameter-->
<processor name="DarkReader" type="FitsImageReader">
<!--Processor for reading input FITS imagesReads images from given files-->
<!--Name of the image collection to which images from file should be stored-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" gloriaOutType="Image"> DarkImages </parameter>
<!--List of FITS files to be read-->
<parameter name="FitsFileList" type="StringVec"> </parameter>
<!--Number of images to be read per processing loop (0 for all))-->
<parameter name="ImagesPerLoop" type="int" value="20"/>
<!--Names of files containing FITS file lists (one per line)-->
<parameter name="ListFileList" type="StringVec" value="good_darks.list"/>
<!--Flag for collections, which should not be deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool" value="false"/>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string" value=""/-->
<processor name="DarkMedian" type="ImageMedian">
<!--Processor to calculate median image from images in the input collection.-->
<!--Name of the collection containing input images-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" gloriaInType="Image"> DarkImages </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where median image will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" gloriaOutType="Image"> DarkMedian </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool" value="false"/>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string" value=""/-->
<processor name="DarkSubtraction" type="ImageNormalizationProcessor">
<!--Simple processor to apply dark subtraction and flat correction-->
<!--Flag for using exposure time information (from fits header) for calculating correction factors-->
<parameter name="AutoNormalization" type="bool">false </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing bias frames-->
<parameter name="BiasCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> </parameter>
<!--Factor used to scale bias image-->
<!--parameter name="BiasScale" type="double">0 </parameter-->
<!--Name of the collection containing dark images-->
<parameter name="DarkCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> DarkMedian</parameter>
<!--Factor used to scale dark image-->
<!--parameter name="DarkScale" type="double">1 </parameter-->
<!--Name of the collection containing flat frames-->
<parameter name="FlatCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> </parameter>
<!--Flag for applying dark/bias subtraction to the flat frame image-->
<parameter name="FlatNormalization" type="bool">false </parameter>
<!--Factor used to scale flat frame-->
<!--parameter name="FlatScale" type="double">1 </parameter-->
<!--Factor used to scale image pixels-->
<!--parameter name="ImageScale" type="double">1 </parameter-->
<!--Name of the collection containing images to be corrected-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> FlatAverage </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where image sums will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="1"> Flat </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE </parameter-->
<processor name="FlatAverage2" type="SimpleImageAdder">
<!--Processor to add images in the input collection.No corrections for possible shifts are applied.-->
<!--Flag to select adding (false) or averaging (true) of input images-->
<parameter name="AverageImages" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing images to be added-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1">Flat </parameter>
<!--Number of images to be added each time (0 for all images in input collection)-->
<parameter name="NumberAddImages" type="int">2 </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where image sums will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="1">FlatSum </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Wait for images in next loops, if not enough images in input collection-->
<parameter name="UseManyLoops" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE </parameter-->
<processor name="FlatSmooth" type="BackgroundImage">
<!--Processor to create background/noise image from the frame.-->
<!--Name of the collection where background image will be stored-->
<parameter name="BackgroundCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="1"> FinalFlat</parameter>
<!--Only every BackgroundSampling pixel is considered in background calculation-->
<!--parameter name="BackgroundSampling" type="int">1 </parameter-->
<!--Frame division for background calculation-->
<parameter name="FrameDivision" type="int">16 </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing input images-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1">FlatSum </parameter>
<!--Polinomial order used for background map interpolation-->
<parameter name="InterpolationOrder" type="int">2 </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where noise image will be stored-->
<parameter name="NoiseCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="1"> </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Use network configuration file to update processor parameters on even by event basis-->
<!--parameter name="UseTelescopeParameters" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE </parameter-->
<processor name="FlatWriter" type="FitsImageWriter">
<!--Processor for writing FITS images to diskWrite images to specified files-->
<!--Name of the image collection which should be stored to file-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" gloriaInType="Image"> FinalFlat </parameter>
<!--Bits per pixel in the output fits file (0 to keep image format unchanged)-->
<parameter name="BitsPerPixel" type="int" value="16"/>
<!--Output file name root, which will be appended by the image number-->
<parameter name="FitsFileNameRoot" type="string" value="luiza_output/flat_image"/>
<!-- BZERO keyword value, used when storing pixel values to fits file (default is 0, use 32768 for unsigned short)-->
<parameter name="PixelOffset" type="int" value="32768"/>
<!-- BSCALE keyword value, used when storing pixel values to fits file (default is 1.0)-->
<!--parameter name="PixelScale" type="double" value="1"/-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string" value="DEBUG"/>
<processor name="FlatViewer" type="RootImageViewer">
<!--Simple image viewer for Luiza. Based on CERN root image class-->
<!--Name of the image collection to view-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" gloriaInType="Image"> FinalFlat </parameter>
<!--Name of the object list collection, corresponding to the displayed images-->
<parameter name="ListCollectionName" type="string" gloriaInType="Table"> </parameter>
<!--Sorry, no description for this parameter-->
<parameter name="Table" type="string" gloriaMissing="Table"> </parameter>
<!--Name of the root canvas. Default is the image collection name.-->
<!--parameter name="CanvasName" type="string" value=""/-->
<!--Title to be shown on the root canvas-->
<!--parameter name="CanvasTitle" type="string" value=""/-->
<!--Canvas geometry: width, height, x offset, y offset-->
<!--parameter name="CanvasWH" type="IntVec"> </parameter-->
<!--Time (in seconds) to pause after dispying image. Waits for <Enter> when set to -1-->
<parameter name="PauseTime" type="int" value="-1"/>
<!--When set to true image is shown as root 2D histogram (TH2D)-->
<!--parameter name="ShowHistogram" type="bool" value="false"/-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string" value=""/-->
Normalizing and running astrometry for collected frames
This analysis, preformed on the series of images from one night, includes following steps:
- Read flat image (only once)
- Read dark images (only once)
- Calculate master dark image (median from collected images)
- Read input raw image (source of data for main analysis loop)
- Normalize image (subtract dark, divide by flat)
- Find stars on the image (pixel clusters)
- Reject "bad" clusters (hotpixels etc.)
- Run astrometry
- Write final image to file
One should notice that by giving path name only as the file root (FitsFileNameRoot parameter in ImageWriter processor) the output images will have the same file names as the input images (but will be placed in different catalog).
<processor name="FlatReader"/>
<processor name="DarkReader"/>
<processor name="DarkMedian"/>
<processor name="ImageReader"/>
<processor name="NormalizeFrame"/>
<processor name="ClusterFinder"/>
<processor name="ClusterSelection"/>
<processor name="Astrometry"/>
<processor name="ImageWriter"/>
<parameter name="MaxRecordNumber" value="10000"/>
<parameter name="NetworkXMLFile" value="gloria_network.xml"/>
<parameter name="SupressCheck" value="false"/>
<parameter name="Verbosity" value="MESSAGE"/>
<processor name="FlatReader" type="FitsImageReader">
<!--Processor for reading input FITS imagesReads images from given files-->
<!--Name of the image collection to which images from file should be stored-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" gloriaOutType="Image"> FlatImages </parameter>
<!--List of FITS files to be read-->
<parameter name="FitsFileList" type="StringVec"> </parameter>
<!--Number of images to be read per processing loop (0 for all))-->
<parameter name="ImagesPerLoop" type="int" value="0"/>
<!--Names of files containing FITS file lists (one per line)-->
<parameter name="ListFileList" type="StringVec" value="flat_frames.list"/>
<!--Flag for collections, which should not be deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool" value="true"/>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string" value=""/-->
<processor name="DarkReader" type="FitsImageReader">
<!--Processor for reading input FITS imagesReads images from given files-->
<!--Name of the image collection to which images from file should be stored-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" gloriaOutType="Image"> DarkImages </parameter>
<!--List of FITS files to be read-->
<parameter name="FitsFileList" type="StringVec"> </parameter>
<!--Number of images to be read per processing loop (0 for all))-->
<parameter name="ImagesPerLoop" type="int" value="0"/>
<!--Names of files containing FITS file lists (one per line)-->
<parameter name="ListFileList" type="StringVec" value="dark_frames.list"/>
<!--Flag for collections, which should not be deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool" value="false"/>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string" value=""/-->
<processor name="DarkMedian" type="ImageMedian">
<!--Processor to calculate median image from images in the input collection.-->
<!--Name of the collection containing input images-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" gloriaInType="Image"> DarkImages </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where median image will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" gloriaOutType="Image"> DarkMedian </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool" value="true"/>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string" value=""/-->
<processor name="ImageReader" type="FitsImageReader">
<!--Processor for reading input FITS imagesReads images from given files-->
<!--Name of the image collection to which images from file should be stored-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" gloriaOutType="Image"> RawImages </parameter>
<!--List of FITS files to be read-->
<parameter name="FitsFileList" type="StringVec"> </parameter>
<!--Number of images to be read per processing loop (0 for all))-->
<parameter name="ImagesPerLoop" type="int" value="1"/>
<!--Names of files containing FITS file lists (one per line)-->
<parameter name="ListFileList" type="StringVec" value="sky_frames.list"/>
<!--Flag for collections, which should not be deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool" value="false"/>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string" value=""/-->
<processor name="NormalizeFrame" type="ImageNormalizationProcessor">
<!--Simple processor to apply dark subtraction and flat correction-->
<!--Flag for using exposure time information (from fits header) for calculating correction factors-->
<parameter name="AutoNormalization" type="bool">false </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing bias frames-->
<parameter name="BiasCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> </parameter>
<!--Factor used to scale bias image-->
<!--parameter name="BiasScale" type="double">0 </parameter-->
<!--Name of the collection containing dark images-->
<parameter name="DarkCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> DarkMedian</parameter>
<!--Factor used to scale dark image-->
<!--parameter name="DarkScale" type="double">1 </parameter-->
<!--Name of the collection containing flat frames-->
<parameter name="FlatCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> FlatImages </parameter>
<!--Flag for applying dark/bias subtraction to the flat frame image-->
<parameter name="FlatNormalization" type="bool">false </parameter>
<!--Factor used to scale flat frame-->
<parameter name="FlatScale" type="double">0.00003 </parameter>
<!--Factor used to scale image pixels-->
<!--parameter name="ImageScale" type="double">1 </parameter-->
<!--Name of the collection containing images to be corrected-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> RawImages </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where image sums will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="1"> Images </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE </parameter-->
<processor name="ClusterFinder" type="PixelClusterFinder">
<!--Processor to find pixel clusters on the frame.-->
<!--Name of the collection containing input images-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1">Images </parameter>
<!--When set to true: search pixel neighbours in 5x5 square rather than 3x3-->
<parameter name="MoreNeighbours" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Maximum number of clusters to be reconstructed-->
<parameter name="MaxClusters" type="int"> -1 </parameter>
<!--Maximum number of pixels considered in cluster CoG and signal calculation-->
<parameter name="MaxPixels" type="int"> 25 </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where cluster list will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2"> Objects</parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Threshold for the cluster pixel signal (in units of noise level)-->
<parameter name="PixelThreshold" type="double">3 </parameter>
<!--Threshold for the cluster seed signal (in units of noise level)-->
<parameter name="SeedThreshold" type="double">8 </parameter>
<!--Only every BackgroundSampling pixel is considered in background calculation-->
<parameter name="BackgroundSampling" type="int">3 </parameter>
<!--Frame division for background calculation-->
<parameter name="FrameDivision" type="int">8 </parameter>
<!--Flag to add charge distribution shape information to the output table.-->
<parameter name="AddShape" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Flag to add charge spread information to the output table.-->
<parameter name="AddSpread" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Use network configuration file to update processor parameters on even by event basis-->
<parameter name="UseTelescopeParameters" type="bool">false</parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG0-4,MESSAGE0-4,WARNING0-4,ERROR0-4,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE</parameter>
<processor name="ClusterSelection" type="SelectTableData">
<!--Processor to select table data.-->
<!--Choose selection based on OR of cuts (when true) or AND of cuts (when false).-->
<!--parameter name="AcceptIfAny" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Names of the columns and allowed ranges of values (3 fields per cut)-->
<parameter name="ColumnValueRange" type="StringVec">
CCD_X 50. 2010.
CCD_Y 50. 1990.
Pixels 2 0
ELONG 0. 0.9
<!--Name of the collection containing input tables-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="2">Objects </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where output table will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2">Selected </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Flag to sort output table in reverse order.-->
<parameter name="ReverseSort" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Name of the column used for table sorting-->
<parameter name="SortColumn" type="string"> Signal </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">DEBUG </parameter>
<processor name="Astrometry" type="Astrometry">
<!--Performs astrometry ( based) on list of stars on the frame-->
<!--Add RA DEC positions from astrometry to the input object list-->
<parameter name="AddPosition" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Verbosity of output-->
<parameter name="AstVerbosity" type="int">0 </parameter>
<!--Depth limit for the astrometry algorithm (default 0)-->
<!--parameter name="AstroDepth" type="int">0 </parameter-->
<!--Order of the SIP polynomial in astrometry fit-->
<!--parameter name="AstroOrder" type="int">3 </parameter-->
<!--Minimum distance between objects along vertical or horizontal line-->
<parameter name="BloomingCut" type="int">100 </parameter>
<!--Maximum number of objects to be used for astrometry.-->
<parameter name="MaxObjects" type="int"> 1000 </parameter>
<!--Solve using indexes parallely or not-->
<parameter name="InParallel" type="bool">false</parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing images to be added-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1">Images </parameter>
<!--Name of the object list collection, corresponding to the analysed images-->
<parameter name="ListCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="2"> Selected</parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where object list will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2"> </parameter>
<!--Recalculate and overwrite astrometry if exists-->
<parameter name="Overwrite" type="bool"> true </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Upper boundary of possible pixel sizes in arcseconds-->
<parameter name="PixscaleHigh" type="double">40 </parameter>
<!--Lower boundary of possible pixel sizes in arcseconds-->
<parameter name="PixscaleLow" type="double">30 </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE </parameter>
<!--Path to astrometric ( indexes files-->
<parameter name="IndexesPath" type="string">astrometry_indexes</parameter>
<!--parameter name="IndexesPath" type="string">bootes_indexes </parameter-->
<processor name="ImageWriter" type="FitsImageWriter">
<!--Processor for writing FITS images to diskWrite images to specified files-->
<!--Bits per pixel in the output fits file (0 to keep image format unchanged)-->
<parameter name="BitsPerPixel" type="int">16 </parameter>
<!--Output file name root, which will be appended by the image number-->
<parameter name="FitsFileNameRoot" type="string">astrometry_output/ </parameter>
<!--Name of the image collection which should be stored to file-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1">Images </parameter>
<!-- BZERO keyword value, used when storing pixel values to fits file (default is 0, use 32768 for unsigned short)-->
<parameter name="PixelOffset" type="int">32768 </parameter>
<!-- BSCALE keyword value, used when storing pixel values to fits file (default is 1.0)-->
<!--parameter name="PixelScale" type="double">1 </parameter-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG0-4,MESSAGE0-4,WARNING0-4,ERROR0-4,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">DEBUG </parameter>
Matching objects on the image with sky catalog and image calibration
This analysis task can be divided into following steps
- Read star catalogs (local copy of Tycho converted to FITS table format)
- Select catalog objects in the required RA,Dec range
- Read input images (resulting from the previous analysis, i.e. normalized and with astrometry results stored)
- Find stars (pixel clusters)
- Reject "bad" clusters
- Calculate aperture photometry for clusters
- Apply astrometry results
- Match objects with the catalog
- Calibrate frame base on Tycho V magnitudo
- Write calibrated objects to root tree file
<processor name="TychoReader"/>
<processor name="TychoSelection"/>
<processor name="ImageReader"/>
<processor name="ClusterFinder"/>
<processor name="ClusterSelection"/>
<processor name="AperturePhotometry"/>
<processor name="Astrometry"/>
<processor name="MatchTycho"/>
<processor name="CalibrateFrame"/>
<processor name="ObjectWriter"/>
<parameter name="MaxRecordNumber" type="int">10000 </parameter>
<parameter name="NetworkXMLFile" value="gloria_network.xml"/>
<parameter name="SupressCheck" type="bool"> false </parameter>
<parameter name="Verbosity" options="DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT">MESSAGE</parameter>
<processor name="TychoReader" type="FitsTableReader">
<parameter name="ListFileList" type="StringVec"> </parameter>
<parameter name="TableCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2"> TychoAll </parameter>
<parameter name="TableFileList" type="StringVec"> tycho-2.tbl </parameter>
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter>
<!--Number of table files to be read per processing loop (0 for all))-->
<!--parameter name="TablesPerLoop" type="int">1 </parameter-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE </parameter-->
<processor name="TychoSelection" type="SelectTableData">
<!--Processor to select table data.-->
<!--Choose selection based on OR of cuts (when true) or AND of cuts (when false).-->
<!--parameter name="AcceptIfAny" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Names of the columns and allowed ranges of values (3 fields per cut)-->
<parameter name="ColumnValueRange" type="StringVec">
RA 35. 65.
DEC -35. -5.
prox 998 1000
<!--Name of the collection containing input tables-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="2">TychoAll </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where output table will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2">Tycho </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Flag to sort output table in reverse order.-->
<parameter name="ReverseSort" type="bool"> </parameter>
<!--Name of the column used for table sorting-->
<parameter name="SortColumn" type="string"> </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">DEBUG </parameter>
<processor name="ImageReader" type="FitsImageReader">
<!--Processor for reading input FITS imagesReads images from given files-->
<!--List of FITS files to be read-->
<parameter name="FitsFileList" type="StringVec"> </parameter>
<!--Name of the image collection to which images from file should be stored-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string"> Images </parameter>
<!--Number of images to be read per processing loop (0 for all))-->
<parameter name="ImagesPerLoop" type="int">1 </parameter>
<!--Name of file containing FITS file list (one per line)-->
<parameter name="ListFileList" type="StringVec"> good_astro.list </parameter>
<!--Flag for collections, which should not be deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG0-4,MESSAGE0-4,WARNING0-4,ERROR0-4,SILENT")-->
<!--parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">DEBUG </parameter-->
<processor name="ClusterFinder" type="PixelClusterFinder">
<!--Processor to find pixel clusters on the frame.-->
<!--Name of the collection containing input images-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1">Images </parameter>
<!--When set to true: search pixel neighbours in 5x5 square rather than 3x3-->
<parameter name="MoreNeighbours" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Maximum number of clusters to be reconstructed-->
<parameter name="MaxClusters" type="int"> -1 </parameter>
<!--Maximum number of pixels considered in cluster CoG and signal calculation-->
<parameter name="MaxPixels" type="int"> 25 </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where cluster list will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2"> Objects</parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Threshold for the cluster pixel signal (in units of noise level)-->
<parameter name="PixelThreshold" type="double">3 </parameter>
<!--Threshold for the cluster seed signal (in units of noise level)-->
<parameter name="SeedThreshold" type="double">6 </parameter>
<!--Only every BackgroundSampling pixel is considered in background calculation-->
<parameter name="BackgroundSampling" type="int">1 </parameter>
<!--Frame division for background calculation-->
<parameter name="FrameDivision" type="int">8 </parameter>
<!--Flag to add charge distribution shape information to the output table.-->
<parameter name="AddShape" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Flag to add charge spread information to the output table.-->
<parameter name="AddSpread" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Use network configuration file to update processor parameters on even by event basis-->
<parameter name="UseTelescopeParameters" type="bool">false</parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG0-4,MESSAGE0-4,WARNING0-4,ERROR0-4,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE</parameter>
<processor name="ClusterSelection" type="SelectTableData">
<!--Processor to select table data.-->
<!--Choose selection based on OR of cuts (when true) or AND of cuts (when false).-->
<!--parameter name="AcceptIfAny" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Names of the columns and allowed ranges of values (3 fields per cut)-->
<parameter name="ColumnValueRange" type="StringVec">
CCD_X 30. 2032.
CCD_Y 20. 2028.
Pixels 2 0
ELONG 0. 0.95
<!--Name of the collection containing input tables-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="2">Objects </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where output table will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2"></parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Flag to sort output table in reverse order.-->
<parameter name="ReverseSort" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Name of the column used for table sorting-->
<parameter name="SortColumn" type="string"> Signal </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">DEBUG </parameter>
<processor name="AperturePhotometry" type="WeightedAperturePhotometry">
<!--Processor to calculate aperture photometry on the frame.-->
<!--Inner and outer radius of the annulus used for background subtraction-->
<parameter name="AnnulusRadii" type="FloatVec"> </parameter>
<!--Radius of circular aperture used for signal counting in pixels-->
<parameter name="ApertureRadius" type="float">2.5 </parameter>
<!--Name of the object brightness column-->
<parameter name="BrightnessColumn" type="string"> Aper </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing input images-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> Images </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing object lists-->
<parameter name="ListCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="2">Objects </parameter>
<!--Positions of objects of interest (RA,DEC in degrees)-->
<parameter name="ObjectPositions" type="FloatVec"> </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where object list will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2"> </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Only every BackgroundSampling pixel is considered in background calculation-->
<parameter name="BackgroundSampling" type="int">1 </parameter>
<!--Frame division for background calculation-->
<parameter name="FrameDivision" type="int">8 </parameter>
<!--Polinomial order used for background map interpolation-->
<parameter name="InterpolationOrder" type="int">1 </parameter>
<!--Flag to remove clusters with signal below the threshold-->
<parameter name="RemoveEmpty" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Signal is stored only if above the threshold (in noise units)-->
<parameter name="SignalThreshold" type="double">4. </parameter>
<!--Use network configuration file to update processor parameters on even by event basis-->
<!--parameter name="UseTelescopeParameters" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE</parameter>
<processor name="Astrometry" type="Astrometry">
<!--Performs astrometry ( based) on list of stars on the frame-->
<!--Add RA DEC positions from astrometry to the input object list-->
<parameter name="AddPosition" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Verbosity of output-->
<parameter name="AstVerbosity" type="int">0 </parameter>
<!--Depth limit for the astrometry algorithm (default 0)-->
<!--parameter name="AstroDepth" type="int">0 </parameter-->
<!--Order of the SIP polynomial in astrometry fit-->
<!--parameter name="AstroOrder" type="int">3 </parameter-->
<!--Minimum distance between objects along vertical or horizontal line-->
<parameter name="BloomingCut" type="int">100 </parameter>
<!--Maximum number of objects to be used for astrometry.-->
<parameter name="MaxObjects" type="int"> 1000 </parameter>
<!--Solve using indexes parallely or not-->
<parameter name="InParallel" type="bool">false</parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing images to be added-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="1"> Images </parameter>
<!--Name of the object list collection, corresponding to the analysed images-->
<parameter name="ListCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="2"> Objects</parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where object list will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2"> </parameter>
<!--Recalculate and overwrite astrometry if exists-->
<parameter name="Overwrite" type="bool">false</parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<!--parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Upper boundary of possible pixel sizes in arcseconds-->
<parameter name="PixscaleHigh" type="double">40 </parameter>
<!--Lower boundary of possible pixel sizes in arcseconds-->
<parameter name="PixscaleLow" type="double">30 </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">MESSAGE </parameter>
<!--Path to astrometric ( indexes files-->
<parameter name="IndexesPath" type="string">astrometry_indexes</parameter>
<!--parameter name="IndexesPath" type="string">bootes_indexes </parameter-->
<processor name="MatchTycho" type="MatchSkyCatalog">
<!--Processor to match objects with sky catalog.-->
<!--Name of the collection containing input object lists-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="2">Objects </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing star catalog-->
<parameter name="SkyCatalogName" type="string" lcioInType="2"> Tycho </parameter>
<!--Position matching tolerance for object and reference stars-->
<parameter name="MatchingTolerance" type="double">0.015 </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where output table will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2"> </parameter>
<!--Flag output collection, as permanent, not deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter>
<!--Names of the position columns in the table-->
<!--parameter name="PositionColumns" type="StringVec">RA DEC </parameter-->
<!--Names of the catalog columns to be copied to the object table-->
<parameter name="CopyColumns" type="StringVec"> BTmag VTmag</parameter>
<!--Names which should be used for columns copied from the catalog-->
<!--parameter name="NewColumnNames" type="StringVec"> </parameter-->
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">DEBUG </parameter>
<processor name="CalibrateFrame" type="CalibrateFrameObjects">
<!--Processor to reconstruct object light curve.-->
<!--Name of the object brightness column-->
<parameter name="BrightnessColumn" type="string">Aper </parameter>
<!--Name of the image collection to store calibration correction image-->
<parameter name="CalibrationImageCollection" type="string" lcioOutType="1"> </parameter>
<!--Name of the table collection to store calibration correction map-->
<parameter name="CalibrationMapCollection" type="string" lcioOutType="2"> </parameter>
<!--Order of the polynomial fit of correction dependence on position-->
<parameter name="CorrectionFitOrder" type="int">0 </parameter>
<!--Name of the image collection to store calibration correction image-->
<parameter name="ErrorImageCollection" type="string" lcioOutType="1"> </parameter>
<!--Frame division for background calculation-->
<parameter name="FrameDivision" type="int">10 </parameter>
<!--Flag to allow automatic adjustment of map binning for too few entries-->
<parameter name="AutoAdjustDivision" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing input object lists-->
<parameter name="InputCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="2"> Objects </parameter>
<!--Name of the input image collection - just to get size of images-->
<parameter name="InputImageCollection" type="string" lcioInType="1"> </parameter>
<!--Size of the image corresponding to the analysed object list (for map definition)-->
<parameter name="InputImageSize" type="IntVec"> 2062 2048 </parameter>
<!--Polinomial order used for background map interpolation-->
<parameter name="InterpolationOrder" type="int">1 </parameter>
<!--Flag to indicate that brightness is already given in magnitudo units (logarythmic scale)-->
<!--parameter name="MagnitudoGiven" type="bool">false </parameter-->
<!--Position matching tolerance for object and reference stars-->
<parameter name="MatchingTolerance" type="double">0.02 </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection where output table will be stored-->
<parameter name="OutputCollectionName" type="string" lcioOutType="2"> </parameter>
<!--Names of columns for calibrated magnitudo and estimated uncertainty-->
<parameter name="OutputColumnNames" type="StringVec">MagV ErrV AverrV </parameter>
<!--Names of the position columns in the object table-->
<!--parameter name="PositionColumns" type="StringVec">RA DEC </parameter-->
<!--Names of the column in the reference star catalog containing star magnitudo-->
<parameter name="ReferenceMagColumn" type="string">VTmag </parameter>
<!--Magnitudo range for reference stars used for calibration-->
<parameter name="ReferenceMagRange" type="FloatVec">7 9 </parameter>
<!--Name of the collection containing star catalog-->
<parameter name="SkyCatalogName" type="string" lcioInType="2"> </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">DEBUG </parameter>
<processor name="ObjectWriter" type="RootTreeWriter">
<!--Processor for writing FITS images to diskWrite images to specified files-->
<!--Flag to add table and row number as variables in the tree-->
<parameter name="AddCounter" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--List of header records to be added as double variables-->
<parameter name="FloatHeaderRecords" type="StringVec"> HJD </parameter>
<!--List of header records to be added as long integer variables-->
<!--parameter name="IntHeaderRecords" type="StringVec"> </parameter-->
<!--Flag to store all tables in one big root file-->
<parameter name="OneFile" type="bool">true </parameter>
<!--Output file name, which will be used to store root tree-->
<parameter name="RootFileName" type="string"> luiza_calibration </parameter>
<!--List of table columns to be stored (empty for all)-->
<!--parameter name="SelectedColumns" type="StringVec"> </parameter-->
<!--Name of the table collection which should be stored to file-->
<parameter name="TableCollectionName" type="string" lcioInType="2">Objects </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string">DEBUG</parameter>