Luiza  v03-01
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NgloriaNamespace for data storing and exchange formats
 CGloriaAverageMapClass for calculating map of average values for any variable on the image
 CGloriaClusterStatisticsClass for calculating basic properties of pixel cluster
 CGloriaDataContainerClass for storing all data processed in Luiza
 CGloriaFitsHeaderClass for handling fits file headers
 CHeaderRecordStructure to store header records
 CGloriaFitsImageClass for reading and processing fits images in Luiza
 CGloriaFitsTableClass for reading and processing fits tables in Luiza
 CGloriaMedianMapClass for calculating map of median values for any variable on the image
 CGloriaNetworkMgrClass for storing GLORIA network configuration
 CGloriaObjectListClass for storing object (star images on CCD) lists
 CGloriaSkyCatalogClass for storing catalogs of sky objects (eg. stars)
 CGloriaTableColumnAbstract class. Used for deriving classes with different column types
 CGloriaTableColumnOfTable column class for different content types
 CGloriaTelescopeClass for storing GLORIA telescope parameters
 CGloriaValueMapClass for constructing parameter/value maps for an image
 NluizaNamespace for Luiza framework
 CAbortProcessingExceptionAbortProcessingException used to abort proccessing of data
 CApplyFlatKernelSimple processor to look for vertical or horizontal line segments in the input image
 CApplyGausKernelProcessor to calculate Gaus Kernel and apply it to the image frame
 CAstroImageAdderProcessor to add images, based on astrometry (taking into account possible shifts)
 CAstrometryProcessor implementing algorithms
 CBackgroundImageProcessor to generate background/noise map from CCD frame
 CCalculateGausPSFProcessor to calculate Gaus profile parameters for stars on the CCD frame
 CCalibrateFrameObjectsProcessor to normalize brightness measurements on the whole frame
 CDataSourceProcessorBase class for processors accessing input data
 CExampleProcessorExample processor for users
 CExceptionDefine Exceptions class, useful for control of data processing
 CFastAperturePhotometrySimple processor to calculate aperture photometry on the CCD frame
 CFindLineTrajectoryAnalytical line track fitting processor for LUIZA
 CFitsImageReaderProcessor for reading input FITS images
 CFitsImageWriterProcessor for writing FITS images to output files
 CFitsTableReaderProcessor for reading data tables from input FITS files
 CFitsTableWriterProcessor for writing tables to output TEXT files
 CGlobalClass to store global processing parameters and network configuration
 CImageLaplaceSimple processor to produce laplace images from the input collection
 CImageMedianProcessor to calculate median image from images in the input collection
 CImageNormalizationProcessorSimple processor to apply dark subtraction and flat correction
 CMatchSkyCatalogProcessor to match object table with sky catalog
 CObjectLightCurveProcessor to reconstruct light curve of given object
 CParseExceptionParseException used for parse errors, e.g. when reading the steering file
 CPiFitcImageReaderProcessor for reading compressed Pi of the Sky images (.fitc)
 CPiHalvesEqualizerProcessor to correct for gain difference between two halves of the frame
 CPiTableReaderProcessor for reading Pi of the Sky data tables (mag and ast files)
 CPixelClusterFinderSimple processor to find pixel clusters (stars) on the CCD frame
 CProcessorBase class for Luiza processors
 CRootImageViewerProcessor allowing to view images during processing
 CRootProcessorBase class for processors accessing input data
 CRootTreeWriterProcessor for writing numerical tables to root tree structure
 CSatelliteSearchingExample processor for users
 CSelectNewObjectsProcessor to identify new objects in the sequence of object lists
 CSelectTableDataProcessor to select data rows from the table
 CSimpleImageAdderSimple processor to add images in the input collection
 CSimpleImageRotatorSimple processor to rotate images in the input collection
 CSimpleSourceFinderSimple processor to find stars centres on the frame
 CSkipEventExceptionSkipEventException used to skip the current event in Processor::processData
 CSociSelectProcessor for reading tables from SQL database with SOCI library
 CStopProcessingExceptionStopProcessingException used to stop proccessing of data
 CTableTextReaderProcessor for reading data tables from input text files
 CTableTextWriterProcessor for writing tables to output TEXT files
 CTestProcessorSimple processor for testing data collection
 CWeightedAperturePhotometryProcessor to calculate aperture photometry on the CCD frame
 NstreamlogNamespace of method for logging messages based on streamlog