Luiza is written in C++ and internal data structures are based on Standard Template Library (STL) containers. It was developed under gcc version 4.4.4, but is supposed to run in any modern C++ installation.
Additional packages and/or libraries which are required to build Luiza and its packages are:
If you lack any of the required packages (but cfitsio), you can still compile and run Luiza (with reduced functionality): just delete catalogues with processors which can not be compiled (eg. processors/luiza_root or processors/image_python ).
Download archive with current luiza version: from Gloria SVN repository at Sourceforge or from here .
Create main destination folder and unpack the code there. You should then set the environment variable LUIZA_ROOT pointing to this location. For example:
To create Luiza binary, shared libraries and documentation use 'make'. Current version of Makefile does not take all dependencies into account but it should work fine when building from scratch. Otherwise you should use 'make clean' and 'make' to be sure all cross-package dependencies are taken into account.
Luiza shared libraries will be built in a subfolder so you have to add it to library path before running Luiza:
Luiza itself is just a framework for I/O. The whole power of this solution is only visible when you consider additional processors, dedicated for special tasks. To make Luiza load different processor packages (stored and compiled in separate folders), one has to define LUIZA_DLL variable. To load all processors available in the current version:
Python base processor requires also setting the variable pointing to the puthon sources:
To run Luiza job:
All required variables can be also set by using scripts env_tcsh or env_bash located in the main catalogue. You can modify these scripts to match your instalation.
You can test Luiza by running prepared test job (in the main catalog):
Small sample of fit files used in the test job should be stored in catalog linked as gloriadata. You can download these data here
Larger samples of fits images from different telescopes, sent by partners, which can be used for algorithm testing, are available from the dedicated web page .