Network configuration is stored in a dedicated XML file. Its name should be specified in the global section of the steering file:
Network configuration is loaded at the Luiza initialization stage (before any processor is called) into gloria::GloriaNetworkMgr. Configuration can include information about the observatories (telescopes) as well as databases and other network resources. It should include all parameters, which can be required in the analysis, and should be rather specified by GLORIA experts than the user. This includes telescope parameters (location, focal length, etc), names and addresses of GLORIA servers and databases, etc. Moreover, when storing parameters for all telescopes in the network, configuration file can also include processor parameters values, which should be used for given telescope. When specified, these parameters values overwrite parameter defaults and user input (via steering file). However, this behaviour has to be implemented in each processors (by call to luiza::Processor::updateTelescopeParameters method).
Configuration file structure is shown in the following example:
For processors which make use of luiza::Processor::updateTelescopeParameters method, when input image comes from Pi of the Sky prototype (recognized by TELESCOP or INSTRUME keyword in the FITS file header), value of SeedThreshold is set to 5. As different processors can use same parameter name, it is also possible to specify either processor type (as for PixelThreshold in example above) or processor name (as for MaxPixels in example above) in front of parameter name.