- luiza::SelectTableData
This processor can be used to select rows of the table (eg. catalog entries or reconstricted objects in the object list) by specifying simple cuts on values stored in table columns. Cuts can be applied on integer or float columns only (no string nor vector columns can be used for selection). Additional flag allows for sorting the output table by selected column value.
- luiza::Astrometry
Processor to apply Astrometry.net algorithm for finding frame orientation and transformation for calculating object positions in the sky. Analyses object lists, but if image collection is specified as well, calculated astrometry parameters are added to the image FITS header (and stored when writing image to the output file). Additional options are included to improve astrometry efficiency, in particular aiming at rejection of artificial objects due to blooming or halo. User can also limit the number of objects considered in the algorithm. Brightest objects are always selected.
- luiza::MatchSkyCatalog
This processor matches objects in the table of the input collection with sky objects stored in catalog table (gloria::GloriaSkyCatalog), based on their coordinates on the sky (RA and DEC from astrometry). Selected entries (columns) from the catalog can also be copied into the object table (for matched entries). Matched catalog brightness can be then used eg. for image calibration.
- luiza::CalibrateFrameObjects
This processor analyses the object list of the input collection and normalizes all brightness measurements based on the reference stars found. Reference stars can be searched for in the gloria::GloriaSkyCatalog collection or selected from the object table itself (if already matched with the catalog, eg. with luiza::MatchSkyCatalog). AverageMap is used to create calibration map for the frame, based on the identified reference stars. The map is then applied to all objects in the table, estimated calibration error is also calculated.
- luiza::ObjectLightCurve
Processor analyses the input object list and finds measurements of the selected object based on its coordinates (on the sky or on the CCD). The measurement is then added to the light curve. It is also possible to normalize the brightness measurement to the reference stars by giving their positions and brightness.
- luiza::SelectNewObjects
Processor matches objects from the input list with objects from the previous frame and selects new ones. Additional cut can be applied on the signal to noise ratio. If astrometry is stored in the object list, it is also verified that the object was within the previous field of view.
- luiza::TableTextReader
This processor reads data tables from simple text files. It is be used for reading eg. reference star list object lists stored previously. It is defined as luiza::DataSourceProcessor, so it can be the first processor in the analysis chain.
- luiza::TableTextWriter
This processor can be used to write created tables to output TEXT files. User should specify the file name root (TextFileNameRoot parameter) - it will and ".tbl" extension. All tables read from an input table collection given by TableCollectionName are stored to file. User can select table columns to be stored.
- luiza::FitsTableReader
This processor reads data tables from FITS files. It can be used for reading eg. star catalog or previously stored object lists. It is defined as luiza::DataSourceProcessor, so it can be the first processor in the analysis chain.
- luiza::FitsTableWriter
This processor writes tables to output FITS file It can be used to store analysis results, eg. object lists. Binary as well as text table formats are supported.
- luiza::RootTreeWriter
This processor converts tables to root tree and stores as binary root file. They can then loaded directly into root for final analysis.