Cluiza::CCCollection | |
Cluiza::CCProcessor | |
Cluiza::CMProcessor | |
▼Cluiza::Exception | Define Exceptions class, useful for control of data processing |
Cluiza::AbortProcessingException | AbortProcessingException used to abort proccessing of data |
Cluiza::ParseException | ParseException used for parse errors, e.g. when reading the steering file |
Cluiza::SkipEventException | SkipEventException used to skip the current event in Processor::processData |
Cluiza::StopProcessingException | StopProcessingException used to stop proccessing of data |
Cluiza::Expression | |
Cluiza::Global | Class to store global processing parameters and network configuration |
Cgloria::GloriaClusterStatistics | Class for calculating basic properties of pixel cluster |
Cgloria::GloriaDataContainer | Class for storing all data processed in Luiza |
▼Cgloria::GloriaFitsHeader | Class for handling fits file headers |
Cgloria::GloriaFitsImage | Class for reading and processing fits images in Luiza |
▼Cgloria::GloriaFitsTable | Class for reading and processing fits tables in Luiza |
Cgloria::GloriaObjectList | Class for storing object (star images on CCD) lists |
Cgloria::GloriaSkyCatalog | Class for storing catalogs of sky objects (eg. stars) |
Cgloria::GloriaNetworkMgr | Class for storing GLORIA network configuration |
▼Cgloria::GloriaTableColumn | Abstract class. Used for deriving classes with different column types |
Cgloria::GloriaTableColumnOf< T > | Table column class for different content types |
Cgloria::GloriaTelescope | Class for storing GLORIA telescope parameters |
▼Cgloria::GloriaValueMap | Class for constructing parameter/value maps for an image |
Cgloria::GloriaAverageMap | Class for calculating map of average values for any variable on the image |
Cgloria::GloriaMedianMap | Class for calculating map of median values for any variable on the image |
Cgloria::GloriaFitsHeader::HeaderRecord | Structure to store header records |
▼Cluiza::IParser | |
Cluiza::Parser | |
Cluiza::XMLParser | |
Cluiza::LCTokenizer | |
Cluiza::XMLParser::LCTokenizer | |
Cstreamlog::logbuffer | |
Cluiza::LogicalExpressions | |
Cstreamlog::logscope | |
Cstreamlog::logstream | |
Cluiza::LuizaSteerCheck | |
▼Cstreamlog::prefix_base | |
Cstreamlog::prefix | |
▼Cluiza::Processor | Base class for Luiza processors |
Cluiza::ApplyFlatKernel | Simple processor to look for vertical or horizontal line segments in the input image |
Cluiza::ApplyGausKernel | Processor to calculate Gaus Kernel and apply it to the image frame |
Cluiza::AstroImageAdder | Processor to add images, based on astrometry (taking into account possible shifts) |
Cluiza::Astrometry | Processor implementing algorithms |
Cluiza::BackgroundImage | Processor to generate background/noise map from CCD frame |
Cluiza::CalculateGausPSF | Processor to calculate Gaus profile parameters for stars on the CCD frame |
Cluiza::CalibrateFrameObjects | Processor to normalize brightness measurements on the whole frame |
▼Cluiza::DataSourceProcessor | Base class for processors accessing input data |
Cluiza::FitsImageReader | Processor for reading input FITS images |
Cluiza::FitsTableReader | Processor for reading data tables from input FITS files |
Cluiza::PiFitcImageReader | Processor for reading compressed Pi of the Sky images (.fitc) |
Cluiza::PiTableReader | Processor for reading Pi of the Sky data tables (mag and ast files) |
Cluiza::SociSelect | Processor for reading tables from SQL database with SOCI library |
Cluiza::TableTextReader | Processor for reading data tables from input text files |
Cluiza::ExampleProcessor | Example processor for users |
Cluiza::FastAperturePhotometry | Simple processor to calculate aperture photometry on the CCD frame |
Cluiza::FindLineTrajectory | Analytical line track fitting processor for LUIZA |
Cluiza::FitsImageWriter | Processor for writing FITS images to output files |
Cluiza::FitsTableWriter | Processor for writing tables to output TEXT files |
Cluiza::ImageLaplace | Simple processor to produce laplace images from the input collection |
Cluiza::ImageMedian | Processor to calculate median image from images in the input collection |
Cluiza::ImageNormalizationProcessor | Simple processor to apply dark subtraction and flat correction |
Cluiza::MatchSkyCatalog | Processor to match object table with sky catalog |
Cluiza::ObjectLightCurve | Processor to reconstruct light curve of given object |
Cluiza::PiHalvesEqualizer | Processor to correct for gain difference between two halves of the frame |
Cluiza::PixelClusterFinder | Simple processor to find pixel clusters (stars) on the CCD frame |
▼Cluiza::RootProcessor | Base class for processors accessing input data |
Cluiza::RootImageViewer | Processor allowing to view images during processing |
Cluiza::RootTreeWriter | Processor for writing numerical tables to root tree structure |
Cluiza::SatelliteSearching | Example processor for users |
Cluiza::SelectNewObjects | Processor to identify new objects in the sequence of object lists |
Cluiza::SelectTableData | Processor to select data rows from the table |
Cluiza::SimpleImageAdder | Simple processor to add images in the input collection |
Cluiza::SimpleImageRotator | Simple processor to rotate images in the input collection |
Cluiza::SimpleSourceFinder | Simple processor to find stars centres on the frame |
Cluiza::TableTextWriter | Processor for writing tables to output TEXT files |
Cluiza::TestProcessor | Simple processor for testing data collection |
Cluiza::WeightedAperturePhotometry | Processor to calculate aperture photometry on the CCD frame |
Cluiza::ProcessorLoader | |
Cluiza::ProcessorMgr | |
▼Cluiza::ProcessorParameter | |
Cluiza::ProcessorParameter_t< T > | |
▼CTiXmlBase | |
CTiXmlAttribute | |
▼CTiXmlNode | |
CTiXmlComment | |
CTiXmlDeclaration | |
CTiXmlDocument | |
CTiXmlElement | |
CTiXmlText | |
CTiXmlUnknown | |
CTiXmlHandle | |
▼CTiXmlVisitor | |
CTiXmlPrinter | |
Cluiza::Tokenizer |