Luiza  v03-01
How to prepare steering file

In this page we would like to describe how one can configure Luiza and processors selected for the analysis

All relevant input in the XML steering should be enclosed by luiza tag:


The XML file consists of two general sections and one parameter section for each active processor defined by user. Active processor list (and order of execution) is defined by the execute section. It could look like:

<processor name="DarkImageReader"/>
<processor name="RawImageReader"/>
<processor name="CalibrateImage"/>
<processor name="FindObjects"/>
<processor name="DoPhotometry"/>
<processor name="DoAstrometry"/>
<processor name="StoreObjectList"/>
<processor name="StoreFinalImage"/>

where processor names given are unique names defined by user (note that same processor type can be used many times, e.g. with different parameter settings, under different names).

The second general section is used to set global parameters, which control performance of Luiza and all processors

<parameter name="MaxRecordNumber" type="int"> 50 </parameter>
<parameter name="NetworkXMLFile" value="my_telescopes.xml"/>
<parameter name="SupressCheck" type="bool"> false </parameter>
<parameter name="Verbosity" options="DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT"> MESSAGE </parameter>

Their functions are the following:

Following sections, tagged with processor names (as given by user and used in <execute> section), define parameters (and resulting performance) of subsequent processors. Order of processor sections in XML file is not relevant. For example, parameters for DarkImageReader processor (as in example above) which is an instance of luiza::FitsImageReader could look like that:

<processor name="DarkImageReader" type="FitsImageReader">
<!--Processor for reading input FITS images. Reads images from given files-->
<!--List of FITS files to be read-->
<parameter name="FitsFileList" type="StringVec">
data/ data/ data/
<!--Name of the image collection to which images from file should be stored-->
<parameter name="ImageCollectionName" type="string">DarkImages </parameter>
<!--Number of images to be read per processing loop (0 for all))-->
<parameter name="ImagesPerLoop" type="int">1 </parameter>
<!--Name of file containing FITS file list (one per line)-->
<parameter name="ListFileName" type="string"> </parameter>
<!--Flag for collections, which should not be deleted after loop is finished-->
<parameter name="PermanentCollection" type="bool">false </parameter>
<!--verbosity level of this processor ("DEBUG,MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,SILENT")-->
<parameter name="Verbosity" type="string"> MESSAGE </parameter>

To get a template steering file, with list of all parameters defined in the code of all available processors you can use the dedicated option:

${LUIZA_ROOT}/luiza/bin/Luiza -x > template.xml

In the generated template, each parameter line will be preceded by a comment line describing this parameter (as in the example above).

One can also use LuizaGUI to edit steering file or create a new one.

${LUIZA_ROOT}/luiza/bin/LuizaGUI steering_file.xml

LuizaGUI checks basic consistency of the steering file and the defined data flow.