Higgs Physics at Future Colliders
(Fizyka bozonu Higgsa w przyszlych kolajderach)
for 5-year students, Ph D students and post-docs specialized
in particle physics
An advanced workshop which is devoted to one of the most important open
problem of particle physics - how particles are getting their masses.
A Higgs mechanizm is expected to lead to mass generation in a Standard Model
(SM) and its various extensions, like the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard
Model (MSSM) or the Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM). A search for a neutral,
spin 0 Higgs particle, predicted in a Standard Model, or neutral and charged,
scalar and psedoscalar Higgs particles in MSSM or 2HDM is the main task
of all future colliders. However the potential of the Large Hadron Collider,
e+e- Linear Collider and gamma-gamma or e-gamma Photon Collider are diffrent,
and to test Higgs sector in detail results from various colliders have to be
Workshop poster: PDF and
2003/2004 presentations:
- 10.10.2003: Introduction (M.Krawczyk, A.F.Zarnecki)
- Part I: PDF and
- Part II - HEP roadmap: PDF and
- 17.10.2003: Introduction to Higgs mechanism (M.Krawczyk)
no slides available
- 24.10.2003: Standard Model Higgs searches at LEP (P.Zalewski, IPJ)
- PS: main file ,
additional files 1,
2 and
- 31.10.2003:
Standard Model Higgs searches at LHC
(G.Wrochna, IPJ)
- 07.11.2003:
Standard Model Higgs searches at the Tevatron
- 21.11.2003:
CP Nature of Higgs Boson from decays to tau leptons
(M.Worek, IFJ Krakow, US Katowice)
- 28.11.2003:
Higgs physics at linear collider
- 05.12.2003: Photon collider (A.F.Zarnecki)
- 12.12.2003: no meeting due to IFT Symposium
- 19.12.2003: Christmass discussion meeting (no slides available)
- 09.01.2004:
Precision of
gamma gamma -> h -> b b cross section measurement
- 16.01.2004:
Higgs mechanism in Standard Model and beyond
- 20.02.2004:
A Photon Collider at TESLA, how does it work?
(K.Moenig, DESY-Zeuthen)
- 27.02.2004: Measurement of the Higgs decays into WW and ZZ
- at the Photon Collider at TESLA,
and the interplay with LHC and LC
- PDF: part 1
part 2
- 05.03.2004:
Higgs mechanism with two doublets
- 12.03.2004:
Higgs mechanism with two doublets (II)
- 19.03.2004:
No meeting due to meeting of Higgs/SUSY study groups at CERN (VRVS)
- 26.03.2004 and 2.04.2004:
- Measurement of the Higgs-boson couplings and
CP properties from decays into WW and ZZ
- 16.04.2004:
Angular distributions of Higgs boson decay products at CMS h->ZZ->4l.
(first look) (Michal Bluj)
- 23.04.2004:
No meeting due to LCWS'2004 conference
- 07.05.2004:
Determining tan(beta) in tau-tau fusion to Higgs at a photon collider
(Jan Kalinowski)
- 14.05.2004:
Determining MSSM parameters from higgsino/gaugino sector
(Krzysztof Rolbiecki)
- 21.05.2004:
Higgs selfcoupling or reconstruction of the Higgs potential
(Maria Krawczyk)
- 28.05.2004:
Search for H --> tau tau --> mu + jet in MSSM
(Artur Kalinowski)