Dnia 21 marca (piątek) o godzinie 11:30, w sali B2.38 odbędzie się seminarium, na którym zostanie wygłoszony referat pt.:
„Spin Structure of the Nucleon: From CERN SPS to EIC”
(powtórka konwersatorium z NCBJ)
Referuje: dr hab. Marcin Stolarski (NCBJ)
I will present over 40 years of involvement by Warsaw groups in studying the (spin) structure of the nucleon through CERN SPS muon experiments—including EMC, NMC, SMC, and COMPASS. While these experiments have led to many intriguing physics insights, precise answers to key questions remain elusive due to the kinematic limitations of fixed-target setups. This is set to change with the upcoming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), the world’s first polarized electron-proton collider, which promises unprecedented access to the nucleon’s spin structure.
Serdecznie zapraszamy
dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak
prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki