Dnia 15 grudnia (piątek) o godzinie 10:15, w sali B2.38 odbędzie się seminarium, na którym zostanie wygłoszony referat pt.:

„KM3NeT experiment: overview and recent results”

Referuje: mgr inż. Piotr Kalaczyński (AstroCeNT)

Although intensively studied in the last decades, neutrinos still hold a number of mysteries. KM3NeT is a project aiming to uncover these. The KM3NeT experiment consists of two underwater Cherenkov neutrino telescopes, currently under construction at two different locations in the Mediterranean Sea. The KM3NeT detectors collect vast amounts of data already in their intermediate configurations. This includes sufficient number of atmospheric neutrinos to observe neutrino oscillations and perform first astrophysical neutrino searches. This talk describes the KM3NeT detectors and their basic physics programme, including results obtained with data from the early detector configurations.

Serdecznie zapraszamy

dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak
prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki



Dnia 8 grudnia (piątek) o godzinie 10:15, w sali B2.38 odbędzie się seminarium, na którym zostanie wygłoszony referat pt.:

„Jack Steinberger (1920-2020) – in memoriam on the third anniversary of his death.”

Referuje: prof. dr hab. Jan Królikowski (IFD,UW)

Jack Hans Steinberger (1921- 2020) was an outstanding experimental particle physicist. Among his discoveries/ measurements are proof of the three-body decay of a muon (PhD 1949 ), the discovery of the π0 meson, practical implementation of the bubble chambers as a tool for accelerator physics (BNL 195-1963), experimental discovery of the difference between muon and electron neutrinos (Nobel Prize 1988 with L.

Lederman and M. Schwarz), a plethora of precise measurements of the mixing and CPV in the neutral kaon system (Columbia and CERN), precise measurements of neutrino interactions with iron. (CDHS(W) experiment), ALEPH experiment at LEP.

I worked with Jack in the CHSW neutrino experiment during the 1979-1989 decade. I learned from him a lot.  At the third anniversary of His death, I would like to give a commemorative talk discussing His experimental heritage, focusing on the not so well known earlier results.

dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak
prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki