Dnia 30 października (piątek) o godzinie 10:15, odbędzie się seminarium, na którym zostanie wygłoszony referat pt.:
Top physics with the CMS experiment – selected results
Referuje: dr hab. Marcin Konecki, prof. UW
The top quark is the heaviest object in the standard model (SM).
It allows for the precise test of the SM and searches for a new physics.
Thus the top quark measurements are important part of CMS physics program.
In the presentation the selection of recent CMS top-quark measurements will be given:
t-tbar production in association with charm, 3rd generation of CKM matrix elements, forward-backward asymmetry, top Yukawa coupling determination and a search for CP violation effects in top production.
Serdecznie zapraszamy
dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak
prof. dr hab. Jan Królikowski
prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki
The meeting will take place on platform.
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