Dnia 22 stycznia (piątek) o godzinie 10:15, odbędzie się seminarium, na którym zostanie wygłoszony referat pt.:

„Towards identifying the sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays”

Referuje: Dr Lech Wiktor Piotrowski (IFD UW)

Even though the first UHECR was detected almost 60 years ago, the origin of these particles remains a mystery. For lower energies, their paths are twisted by the Galactic magnetic field, while for higher energies their fluxes are too low to give a statistically significant location on the sky. This is even though the largest observatories occupy hundreds to thousands of square kilometres.

In this seminar, I will show two approaches to solving this problem. The first one is significantly increasing the volume of the atmosphere observed. This can be achieved either with covering tens of thousands of square kilometres with simple radio antennas, which is the aim of the Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND) experiment. Alternatively, UHECR induced fluorescent tracks in the atmosphere can be observed from the orbit, which is the idea behind JEM-EUSO and Poemma experiments. The second approach is to detect ultra-high energy neutrinos, unaffected by Galactic magnetic fields, created by the UHECRs close to their origin. This is, again, the aim of both GRAND and Poemma experiments.


Serdecznie zapraszamy

dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak
prof. dr hab. Jan Królikowski
prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki

The meeting will take place on platform.

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