Dnia 29 listopada (piątek) o godzinie 11:30, w sali B2.38 odbędzie się seminarium, na którym zostanie wygłoszony referat pt.:

„ECFA Workshops on e+e- Higgs/Electroweak/Top Factories”

Referuje: prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki (IFD UW)

Third ECFA Workshop on physics and detectors for future e+e- Higgs/Electroweak/Top Factories took place in October in Paris.

This was the last of the workshop series which should conclude with the ECFA report on the physics at future Higgs factories. I will report on ECFA study in general, selected results presented at the last workshop and on the status of the final report being prepared as an input for the European Strategy for Particle Physics update.

Serdecznie zapraszamy

dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak

prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki



Dnia 22 listopada (piątek) o godzinie 11:30, w sali B2.38 odbędzie się seminarium, na którym zostanie wygłoszony referat pt.:

„iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences (LABS)  „

Referuje: dr Rudolph Nchodu (deputy director of the iThemba LABS, Cape Town)

iThemba LABS is the hub to a vibrant research, human capital development, and collaboration network for nuclear science that includes the South African universities, research institutions and international counterparts.

The iThemba LABS K=200 separated sector cyclotron (SSC), one of the accelerator complex comprising 3 accelerators, has been used for nuclear physics research, particle (neutron and proton) therapy, and radioisotope production since its commissioning in 1986. In the first 30 years of the SSC’s operation, the beam time has been equally divided between the three programs, which severely limited the competitiveness of the nuclear physics research program. iThemba LABS acquired a new 70 MeV cyclotron that will be dedicated to isotope production, which will free up the SSC for research.

Nuclear Physics research at iThemba LABS serves as the backbone of research at iThemba LABS and the research programs in the next 5 to 10 years will be focused on niche areas where the laboratory’s research program will complement the research carried out at cognate laboratories around the world. The Long Range Plan initiated in 2017 aiming for increasing the nuclear physics research capacity as well as the technical R&D and the required human capacity development, will be presented as well as the status of its implementation. The prominent global position that iThemba LABS Facility enjoys and its critical role in coordinating the continental contribution to collaborative initiatives with international nuclear Physics institutions will  be discussed.

Serdecznie zapraszamy

dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak

prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki



Dnia 15 listopada (piątek) o godzinie 11:30, w sali B2.38 odbędzie się seminarium, na którym zostanie wygłoszony referat pt.:

„CMS measurement of the W boson mass in proton-proton collisions at √s =13 TeV”

Referuje: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Doroba (IFD UW)

Precision tests of Standard Model (SM) are very important part of LHC scientific program. Since Higgs discovery and determination of its mass by ATLAS and CMS all the parameters of electroweak (EW) sector of the SM are now constrained by experimental measurements. Established disagreement between W boson mass measurement and SM prediction could be a tip towards physics beyond the SM (BSM). In the seminar the recent W boson mass measurement by Compact Muon Collaboration will be presented (m_W=80 360.2±9.6 MeV) with the special emphasis on its accuracy and the way to achieve it. 

Serdecznie zapraszamy

dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak

prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki



Dnia 8 listopada (piątek) o godzinie 11:30, w sali B2.38 odbędzie się seminarium, na którym zostanie wygłoszony referat pt.:

„An experiment for electron-hadron scattering at the LHC”

Referuje: prof. Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (AGH, Krakow)

The proposed LHeC facility will provide electron-proton (nucleus) collisions with (per nucleon) instantaneous luminosities around 10^34 (10^33) cm^-2s^-1 by colliding a 50 GeV electron beam from a highly innovative energy-recovery linac system with the LHC hadron beams, concurrently with other experiments for hadron-hadron collisions. The LHeC scientific programme is very complementary to the HL-LHC one and would also significantly enhance it. In this talk, I will summarize the LHeC research scope and present the status of accelerator and detector designs, and discuss future developments as well as an exciting path for the LHeC realization.

Serdecznie zapraszamy

dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak

prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki